Eagle Scout to ELITE QB: Danny “Mutha F@&kin’”Etling

First off let’s take a moment to talk about Week 4. The plan was to make a post-game blog…but as transsexual folk-hero Thumper from the movie Bambi says, “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all”. So that about covers it.

Onto Week 5…Welcome to the Etling Era.

With EJ “White Mike Vick” Perry(< link) suffering an injury Danny Etling is getting the nod against Memphis.

And I’m here to tell you somethings you may not know about the former Boilmaker/Tiger’s QB.

Danny Etling born and raised in Indiana and was 6’3 200lbs in High school. Rumor has it he had to join the Boy Scouts just to act as a repellent for all the girls trying to get with the stud QB.

Etling reached the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout by earning all 21 merit badges and taking on a service project at a homeless shelter. What a guy.

Etling has found himself a part of multiple NFL teams, putting up highlights in preseason games.

But never got to start an NFL game. But as an Eagle Scout, Etling knows the importance of Always Being Prepared.

Now it’s finally his time to shine. Etling has been working, mastering his skills. He is also the only UFL QB that has ever been on a team with Tom Brady.

On Sunday, Etling will use those lessons he learned from the GOAT for 2 seasons to lead the Panthers into battle and sink the Showboats.

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